Wednesday, 9 March 2022

The Latest Technology to Work for Software Developers


If you’re planning your career in software engineering, there’s a good time to get in this because this field is experiencing growth across India and around the world. The latest report suggests that the IT services sector will witness over 3 lakh jobs in the first quarter of this financial year. These numbers show the brighter future of the software development field, especially as new software development trends continue to fuel the profession’s progress.

Latest Trends of Software development:

•Server-less Computing: The serverless computing approach has very become very popular in recent years. Today this is one of the fastest-growing cloud services in the software development industry. Serverless computing is an easily scalable, cost-effective, cloud-based infrastructure. This is happen because it enables rapid application development without the headache of server management and operation can be performed very easily.


•Cyber-security: As long as we grow up in the digital world cyber security is the major concern for everyone. We face several issues related to cyber security. Cyber-security is very important because it protects all kinds of data from damage and theft. This includes sensitive data, governmental and industry information systems, Personal information, health information (HI), intellectual property, personally identifiable information (PII).


•Block-chain technology: A Blockchain is a chain of blocks that contain information and data. The data is stored inside a particular block. For Example Cryptocurrency and NFT. By 2026, blockchain would add a business value that will grow to over $170 billion. It simply shows the huge potential of this technology.


•Automation: Automation introduces a wide range of technologies that reduce human connection in processes. Human interference is reduced by calculative predetermine decision criteria, related actions, and — and express those calculative decisions in machines. The worth of the global industrial automation market is between 175 to 180 billion U.S. dollars in 2020. The market researcher is expecting this growth by 9% in 2025. The market cap of global industrial automation should reach 265 billion U.S. dollars.


•Artificial Intelligence: Software developers using artificial intelligence (AI) in coding complication, decision making, automated testing, plan and schedule for the project. With the help of AI, Software Developers will be able to build software better and faster. AI will increase in the speed and scale of development. It helps in strategic decision making and error management and it provides a real-time feedback.